Friday, July 8, 2011

Remmy's Big Day

We got a new puppy. He came to us out of the cornfields of central Illinois. He seems to adjusting well to suburban life, however. This is the story of the big day he had today...

Remmy started his day the same way he always does:
Behind two baby gates because the cheap wooden one he can climb over and the not so cheap metal one leaves gaps on the sides that he gets his head stuck in... and of course if you're head is stuck and you're a small puppy the only remedy is to flail about until either a human happens by to pull you out or you snap your neck... so yeah, two baby gates for one tiny dog...

Next Remmy engaged in one of his favorite pass times (besides rubbing his under carriage on the carpet, I don't have a pic of this... sorry):

Annihilation!!!! (Thanks Auntie Coke and Uncle Adam... also, Daddy bought him a big bag of the treats you got him... he likes them very much.)

Then Daddy tickled him for awhile....

All in all a good day... until...

Mommy made Remmy get in the dog carrier...

"Uh-oh," thought Remmy. "The dog carrier sometimes leads to nice places, but sometimes it leads to being dumped in cornfields... or the Vet."

Today was no exception. Today the dog carrier led poor Remmy directly to the Vet. Where he had to spend a whole day. In the end, he lost his manhood...
And his dignity.

Poor Remington!